Paul Craig Roberts Translations

What part will your country play in World War III?



What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff


The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


That history is being repeated today in a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (especially Americans) in preparation for World War IIIwhich I believe is now imminent. It is evident that War Clouds are gathering. The signs are everywhere, with media coverage and open talk of war in many countries. The RAND Corporation have for years been preparing military scenarios for World War III, and NATO is reported to be currently doing so. Vast movements of NATO troops and equipment are either in preparation or process to surround Russia. The US is surrounding China with military bases including the world's largest in Guam. Both China and Russia are surrounded with nearly 400 US biological weapons labs. Iran is entirely vulnerable from the American military build-up in the Middle East.




Wednesday, January 31, 2018

PT -- Washington atinge novos níveis de insanidade com o "Relatório do Kremlin" Paul Craig Roberts

Resultado de imagem para PICTURES OF Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the “Kremlin Report”

30  de Janeiro de 2018
Washington atinge novos níveis de insanidade com o "Relatório do Kremlin"
Paul Craig Roberts

Num acto da louca escalada de provocações contra a Rússia, Washington elaborou uma lista de 210 altos funcionários do governo russo e de importantes executivos de empresas que são “criminosos”, “membros do bando de Putin”, “ameaças”, “pessoas que merecem ser punidas”, no entanto, a comunicação mediática ocidental  preocupa-se a explicar a lista. A lista absurda inclui o Primeiro Ministro da Rússia, o Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros, o Ministro da Defesa e os executivos da Gazprom, da Rosneft e do Banco Rossiya. Por outras palavras, a sugestão é que a totalidade da liderança política e empresarial russa é corrupta.
Os russos não parecem compreender o propósito da lista. O porta-voz  da Presidencia, Dmitry Peskov, disse que o governo vê a lista como uma tentativa de interferir na eleição presidencial russa. Não há dúvida de que Washington gostaria de reduzir o apoio público de Putin para que Washington possa usar as ONGs financiadas pelo Ocidente, que operam na Rússia, a apresentar os lacaios americanos como sendo as verdadeiras vozes da Rússia. No entanto, é improvável que o povo russo seja tão estúpido que caia nesse truque.
A lista de Washington tem três objectivos:
1) Desvalorizar a diplomacia russa, apresentando as principais altas patentes da Rússia como criminosos.
2) Apresentar a Rússia como sendo uma ameaça militar, conforme o anúncio ridículo do Ministro da Defesa britânico, Gavin Williamson, em 26 de Janeiro, de que a Rússia pretende despedaçar a infraestrutura britânica, causar muitos milhares de mortes “e criar” o caos total dentro de o país." 
3) Desviar a atenção americana e europeia da próxima publicação do relatório do House Intelligence Committee’s que prova que o Russiagate é uma conspiração entre o FBI, o Departamento de Justiça de Obama e a Comissão Nacional Democrata contra o Presidente Trump. A lista russa de Washington dará à comunicação mediática algo para falar em vez do acto da traição levada a cabo contra o Presidente dos Estados Unidos. Não esperem não ouvir nada da comunicação mediática, a não ser que o relatório do House Intelligence Committee é apenas um esforço político para salvaguardar Trump da responsabilidade.
Provavelmente, há um quarto motivo para a lista. Israel quer a pressão de Washington sobre a Rússia, porque até agora, a Rússia impediu Israel de usar os militares dos EUA para criar o mesmo caos na Síria e no Irão, como foi criado no Iraque e na Líbia. Israel quer a Síria e o Irão desestabilizados porque apoiam o Hezbollah, o que impede Israel de ocupar os recursos hídricos do sul do Líbano. A Lei de Contenção dos Adversários da América através de Sanções (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act), que pediu a lista, aprovada pela a Câmara e pelo Senado por um votação de 517-5. Normalmente, tais votos unânimes da política externa estão associados às exigências do lobby de Israel.
O governo e o povo russo precisam compreender que Washington considera a Rússia como uma ameaça porque a Rússia não está sob a pata de Washington. Os neoconservadores sionistas controlam a política externa dos EUA. A sua ideologia é a hegemonia mundial. Eles não usam a diplomacia. Contam com a desinformação, com ameaças e com a violência. Portanto, não existe uma diplomacia americana com a qual Putin e Lavrov possam colaborar.
Putin, o líder político responsável de uma grande potência, não responde à provocação com uma hostilidade. Ele ignora os insultos e continua a esperar que o Ocidente ganhe bom senso. Mas, o que acontecerá se o Ocidente não conseguir?
Para que o Ocidente comece a pensar racionalmente, esse processo vai requerer o desmantelamento completo dos neoconservadores sionistas e/ou a dissolução da NATO. A derrota dos neoconservadores exigiria uma voz de política externa rival, e essa voz é muito fraca, pois está desligada da comunicação mediática, dos grupos de reflexão e das universidades. A dissolução da NATO exigiria que as figuras políticas europeias renunciassem aos subsídios de Washington e ao avanço de carreira que Washington fornece.
Enquanto escrevo, o Conselho do Atlântico está a convocar os membros e a comunicação mediática para uma discussão com os membros do Conselho Atlântico, o Embaixador Daniel Fried e Anders Aslund. O Conselho do Atlântico é uma agência de propaganda neoconservadora. O objectivo da "discussão" é minar ainda mais, as relações dos EUA com a Rússia.
O governo russo enfrenta uma situação difícil. A política externa dos EUA e, portanto, do mundo ocidental, é controlada por neoconservadores que estão determinados a apresentar a Rússia à  luz mais ameaçadora. A diplomacia russa não pode fazer nada para mudar este quadro. Uma resposta russa não agressiva e responsável tem o efeito de incentivar  ainda mais, as provocações de Washington. Até certo ponto, a passividade russa pode convencer os neoconservadores de que podem atacar a Rússia de modo bem sucedido. Por outro lado, as provocações contínuas podem convencer a Rússia de que o país está a ser escolhido para ataque, propiciando assim uma acção preventiva russa.
No mundo, todos devem perceber a ameaça da guerra nuclear que é inerente à política de Washington em relação à Rússia e no mundo, todos devem compreender - a única ameaça que a Rússia representa, é contra o unilateralismo e parcialidade de Washington.
Tradutora: Maria Luísa de Vasconcellos

DE -- Manlio Dinucci: Die Kunst des Krieges: «America First» Waffen, auf unsere Köpfe gerichtet!

Die Kunst des Kriege 
«America First» Waffen, auf unsere Köpfe gerichtet!
Manlio Dinucci

Präsident Trump ist beim "Weltwirtschaftsforum" in Davos aus dem Hubschrauber ausgestiegen. Hier, vor den Blechbläsern des Freiburger Orchesters, kündigte er an: «Die Welt erlebt das Wiederauferstehen eines starken und wohlhabenden Amerikas», dank der Steuersenkungen und Reformen, die seine Regierung nach dem Prinzip «America First» durchführte, das stellt Amerika an die erste Stelle.

Das bedeutet nicht Amerika allein: wenn die Vereinigten Staaten wachsen, so auch die Welt. Aber, fügte er hinzu, «wir können keinen freien und offenen Handel haben, wenn einige Länder das System auf Kosten anderer ausbeuten». Besonders deutlich wird dies für China und Russland, die wegen "industrieller Subventionen und einer allgegenwärtigen staatlichen Wirtschafts-Planung" der "Verzerrung der globalen Märkte" beschuldigt werden.

Der Kern der Frage taucht folglich auf: Die Vereinigten Staaten sind immer noch die weltweit führende Wirtschaftsmacht, insbesondere dank der Hauptstädte, die sie zur Beherrschung des globalen Finanzmarktes nutzen, der multinationalen Konzerne, mit denen sie Ressourcen auf allen Kontinenten ausbeuten, ihrer eigenen Technologie-Patente und der allgegenwärtigen Rolle ihrer multimedialen Gruppen, die Meinungen und Wege auf einer planetarischen Skala beeinflussen.

Ihre wirtschaftliche Vorherrschaft (einschließlich des Dollars) wird jedoch zunehmend durch neue Staaten und soziale Akteure gefährdet. Vor allem China: Sein Brutto-Nationaleinkommen stieg nach den USA auf den zweiten Platz an. China ist die «Fabrik der Welt», in der auch viele große US-Konzerne produzieren. Es ist daher der weltweit führende Exporteur von Waren geworden. Im Gegenzug erhöht China seine Investitionen sowohl in den USA als auch in der EU und in Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika (in diesen Bereichen vor allem in Bezug auf Infrastrukturen).

Das ehrgeizigste Projekt, das 2013 von China initiiert und von Russland geteilt wurde, ist das der "Neuen Seidenstraße": ein Land (Straße und Schiene) und ein maritimes Netz, das China durch Zentral- und Westasien und durch Russland mit Europa verbindet. Wenn das Projekt (das keine militärischen Komponenten enthält) nach der ursprünglichen Idee verwirklicht wird, würde es die geopolitische Architektur des gesamten Eurasiens umformen und ein neues Netzwerk der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Beziehungen zwischen den Staaten des Kontinents schaffen.

Die von den Vereinigten Staaten geförderte Globalisierung, die davon überzeugt sind, sie zu dominieren, wendet sich jetzt gegen sie. Die Erhöhung der Zölle für Waschmaschinen und Solar-Module um 50%, die von der Regierung Trump eingeführt wurden, um den Export Chinas und Südkoreas zu beeinflussen, sind kein Zeichen von Stärke, sondern von Schwäche.

Auf der Ebene der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung verlieren die USA ihren Fokus auf militärische Globalisierung: «Wir machen historische Investitionen in das amerikanische Militär - verkündete Trump in Davos - weil wir keinen Wohlstand ohne Sicherheit haben können».

Die USA haben bereits Stützpunkte und andere militärische Einrichtungen in über 70 Ländern, insbesondere in Russland und China. In mehr als 170 Ländern sind US-Truppen stationiert. Europäische Mächte der NATO schließen sich dieser Strategie an, obwohl sie gegensätzliche Interessen mit den USA haben und sich unter US-Führung aufstellen, wenn es darum geht, die vom Westen dominierte wirtschaftliche und politische Ordnung zu verteidigen.

Dies ist das Szenario der immer gefährlicheren Eskalation der USA/NATO in Europa gegen Russland, das als Feind dargestellt wird, der uns aus dem Osten bedroht. Jede Debatte über die "Europäische Union" und über den Euro, die dieses Thema ignoriert, bedeutet, ein Spiel mit gefälschten Karten vor den Wählern zu spielen, wie dies im aktuellen Wahlkampf der Fall ist.

Manlio Dinucci 

Il manifesto - 30. Januar 2018

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Übersetzung: Renate Shany`Sha Rehberg

Did the US Government Murder the Founder of RT?

Did the US Government Murder the Founder of RT?

Mikhail Lesin. Photo: March 2002
Did the US Government Murder the Founder of RT?

FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room

The FBI just released the results of their investigation claiming that the media mogul and found of RT killed himself by repeatedly smashing his head and upper body into the ground.

In November 2015, the Free Thought Project reported that Mikhail Lesin, the former head of media affairs for the Russian government, and the founder of Russia Today (RT), was found dead in the hotel room that he was staying at in Washington DC.
Originally, authorities announced that Lesin died from a heart attack.
However, the results of his autopsy released months later indicated a far more sinister cause of death and the heavily redacted FBI documents that were just released add to that story.
The documents, detailing the FBI investigation into Lesin’s death were just released Saturday morning in spite of the investigation ending in October of 2016.
In spite of the original cause of death noted as a heart attack, a few months later, the District of Colombia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and Metropolitan Police Department said that “blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities and lower extremities” contributed to Lesin’s death. “The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) has released the cause and manner of death for Mikhail Lesin… Cause of Death: blunt force injuries of the head,” the statement said.
Now, FBI investigators have released the results of their investigation claiming that the blunt force trauma all over his body was self-inflicted.
Mr. Lesin died as a result of blunt for injuries to his head, with contributing causes being blunt force injuries of the neck, torso, upper extremities, and lower extremities, which were induced by falls, with acute ethanol intoxication,” the report states.
In other words, the FBI is claiming that Lesin got so drunk that he repeatedly and violently fell on things until he killed himself.
To show just how much information the FBI is willing to release on these findings, here is the version of the amended autopsy report they released in the report.

Essentially, all other information in regards to the findings of Lesin’s death has been scrubbed from the documents as the remaining pages are almost entirely redacted.
Not only did the US remain tight-lipped on the investigation but they also refused to allow Russian authorities to cooperate.
As RT reports, back in 2016, months before the closing of the case, Moscow said it was expecting Washington to explain why Russia had not received any details from the probe into Lesin’s death, despite repeated requests.
“We are awaiting the related clarifications from Washington and the official data on the progress of the investigation,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in a Facebook post at that time. She added that if the media reports citing the forensic statement are confirmed, Russia will send an official request to the US “for international legal assistance.”
In October 2016, the US authorities announced that Lesin died of natural causes and closed the case. “Based on the evidence, including video footage and witness interviews, Mr. Lesin entered his hotel room on the morning of Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2015, after days of excessive consumption of alcohol and sustained the injuries that resulted in his death while alone in his hotel room, the US attorney for the District of Columbia said in a statement.
Lesin’s death came at a time where he was surrounded by controversy, especially in the US. RT, the Russian-based news source that Lesin founded has become very controversial in the US—ostensibly for the fake Russiagate scandal—but in reality, for challenging the western narrative of foreign policy and privacy issues. Some US politicians have suggested that RT be banned in the US for “spreading propaganda,” while others have been blatant enough to attack Lesin personally.
According to the NY Times, until late 2014 Lesin ran the media wing of the state’s energy giant, Gazprom, before stepping down or, more likely, being forced out. He ended up in the United States, where he and his family owned properties in Los Angeles said to be worth far more than the salary of the former government minister.
Some US Senators, including Roger Wicker of Mississippi, had called for the Department of Justice to open an investigation into Lesin’s finances prior to his death.
Wicker was concerned that Lesin made too much money, something that was really none of his business.
“That a Russian public servant could have amassed the considerable funds required to acquire and maintain these assets in Europe and the United States raises serious questions,” Wicker said.
The original announcement of the heart attack back in November 2015 makes this case all the more ominous considering the fact that the medical examiner’s office also said Lesin’s body had blunt force trauma to the neck, torso, arms and legs too. How did authorities overlook his wounds?
As RT reports, Lesin was considered one of the most influential figures in the Russian media landscape. A graduate of Moscow State University with a degree in Civil Engineering, he served as Minister of Press and Mass Media from 1999 to 2004. He was also a presidential media adviser from 2004 to 2009. Lesin became chief executive officer at Garprom-Media in 2013 and remained in the position until early 2015.

Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the “Kremlin Report” by Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the “Kremlin Report”

Washington Reaches New Heights of Insanity with the “Kremlin Report”
Paul Craig Roberts
In an act of insane escalation of provocations against Russia, Washington has produced a list of 210 top Russian government officials and important business executives who are “gangsters,” “members of Putin’s gang,” “threats,” “people deserving to be sanctioned,” or however the Western presstitutes care to explain the list. The absurd list includes the Prime Minister of Russia, the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, and executives of Gazprom, Rosneft, and Bank Rossiya. In other words, the suggestion is that the entirety of Russian political and business leadership is corrupt.
The Russians do not seem to understand the purpose of the list. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the government sees the list as an attempt to interfere in the Russian presidential election. There is no doubt that Washington would like to reduce Putin’s public support so that Washington can use the Western-funded NGOs operating in Russia to present American stooges as Russia’s true voices. However, it is unlikely that the Russian people are stupid enough to fall for such a trick.
Washington’s list has three purposes:

1) To undercut Russian diplomacy by presenting the top echelons of Russia as gangsters.

2) To present Russia as a military threat as per the ridiculous announcement by British defense minister Gavin Williamson on January 26 that Russia intends to rip British “infrastructure apart, actually cause thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths,” and create “total chaos within the country.”

3) To shift American and European attention away from the coming release of the House Intelligence Committee’s report that proves Russiagate is a conspiracy between the FBI, the Obama Department of Justice and the Democratic National Committee against President Trump. Washington’s Russian list will give the presstitutes something else to talk about instead of the act of treason committed against the President of the United States. Expect to hear nothing from the presstitutes except that the House Intelligence Committee report is only a political effort to shield Trump from accountability.
There is likely a fourth reason for the list. Israel wants Washington’s pressure on Russia, because Russia has so far prevented Israel’s use of the US military to create the same chaos in Syria and Iran as has been created in Iraq and Libya. Israel wants Syria and Iran destabilized because they support Hezbollah, which prevents Israel from occupying the water resources of southern Lebanon. The Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act, which requires the list, passed the House and Senate by a vote of 517-5. Normally, such unanimous foreign policy votes are associated with demands from the Israel Lobby.
The Russian government and the Russian people need to understand that Washington considers Russia to be a threat because Russia is not under Washington’s thumb. The Zionist neoconservatives control US foreign policy. Their ideology is world hegemony. They do not use diplomacy. They rely on disinformation, threats, and violence. Therefore, there is no American diplomacy with which Putin and Lavrov can engage.
Putin, being a responsible political leader of a great power, does not respond to provocation with provocation. He ignores the insults and continues to wait for the West to come to its senses. But what if the West does not come to its senses?
For the West to come to its senses requires the complete overthrow of the Zionist neoconservatives and/or the breakup of NATO. 
The overthrow of the neoconservatives would require a rival foreign policy voice, and that voice is very weak as it is shut off from the media, the think tanks, and the universities. The breakup of NATO would require European political figures to give up their Washington subsidies and the career advancement that Washington provides.
As I write the Atlantic Council is holding a members and press call in for a discussion with Atlantic Council members Amb. Daniel Fried and Anders Aslund. The Atlantic Council is a neoconservative propaganda agency. The purpose of the “discussion” is to further undermine US-Russian relations.
The Russian government faces a difficult situation. The foreign policy of the US, and thereby of the Western world, is controlled by neoconservatives who are determined to present Russia in the most threatening light. Russian diplomacy can do nothing to change this. The non-provocative and responsible Russian response has the effect of encouraging more provocations from Washington. At some point Russian passivity might convince the neoconservatives that they can successfully attack Russia. Alternatively, the continual provocations might convince Russia that the country is targeted for attack, thereby causing a Russian pre-emptive action.
Everyone in the world should realize the threat of nuclear war that is inherent in Washington’s policy toward Russia, and everyone in the world should understand that the only threat that Russia poses is to Washington’s unilateralism.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

EN -- Manlio Dinucci -- The art of war: «America First» armed on our heads

Resultado de imagem para pictures of the military supremacy of the USA

The art of war

«America First» armed on our heads

Manlio Dinucci

President Trump disembarked from the helicopter at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Here, preceded by the brass players of the orchestra of Friborg, he announced that «The world is witnessing the resurgence of a strong and prosperous America», thanks to the tax cuts and reforms implemented by his administration on the principle of «America First», that is putting America in the first place.

This «does not mean America alone: ​​when the United States grows, so does the world». But, he added, «we cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others». The reference is especially clear to China and Russia, accused of «distorting global markets» through «industrial subsidies and a pervasive state-led economic planning».

The crux of the question consequently emerges. The United States is still the world leading economic power, especially thanks to the capitals they use to dominate the global financial market, the multinationals which they exploit resources with in every continent, their owned technological patents, the pervasive role of their multimedia groups influencing people’ opinions and ways on a planetary scale.

Their economic supremacy (including the dollar), however, is being increasingly endangered by new States and social actors emerging. First of all China: its gross national income rose up to the second world place after the US. China is the «factory of the world» in which also many large US groups produce. It has therefore become the world leading exporter of goods. In return, China is increasing investments both in the US and in the EU, and in Africa, Asia and Latin America (in these areas on infrastructures above all).

The most ambitious project, launched by China in 2013 and shared by Russia, is that of the New Silk Road: a land (road and rail) and maritime network connecting China to Europe through Central and Western Asia and through Russia. If the project (which does not include military components) is accomplished according to the original idea, it would reshape the geopolitical architecture of the whole Eurasia, creating a new network of economic and political relations between the States of the continent.

The globalization that  United States promoted, confident of  dominating it, now turns against them. The increasing of 50% on duties for washing machines and solar panels, set by the Trump administration to affect  China’s and South Korea’s export, are not a sign of strength but weakness.

Losing ground on the economic globalization level, United States is focusing on military globalization: «We are making historic investments in the American military - announced Trump in Davos - because we cannot have prosperity without security».

The US already has bases and other military installations in over 70 countries, especially around Russia and China. There are more than 170 countries where US troops are deployed. European powers of NATO join in this strategy, despite having contrasts of interest with the US, and line up under US leadership when it comes to defending the economic and political order dominated by the West.

This is the scenario of the increasingly dangerous US/NATO escalation in Europe against Russia, represented as the enemy threatening us from the East. Any debate on the European Union and on the Euro ignoring this issue, means playing a game with rigged cards in front of the voters, as they do in the current electoral campaign.

(il manifesto, 30 January, 2018)

PT -- Manlio Dinucci -- A arte da guerra: «America First», armada sobre as nossas cabeças

Resultado de imagem para pictures of the military supremacy of the USA

A arte da guerra

«America First», armada sobre as nossas cabeças

Manlio Dinucci

O Presidente Trump desembarcou do helicóptero, no Fórum Económico Mundial, em Davos. Aqui, precedido pelos músicos das trompetes da orquestra de Friburgo, anunciou que “o mundo está a testemunhar o renascimento de uma América forte e próspera”, graças à redução dos impostos e às reformas realizadas pela sua administração, baseadas no princípio da "America First" , isto é, de colocar a América em primeiro lugar. Isto “não significa apenas a América: quando os Estados Unidos crescem, o mundo inteiro cresce”. 

Mas, acrescentou, “não podemos ter um comércio livre e aberto se alguns países explorarem o sistema à custa dos outros”. A referência é clara, sobretudo para a China e para a Rússia, acusadas de “distorcer os mercados globais” através de “subsídios industriais e um planeamento económico generalizado, com orientação do Estado".

Surge, assim, o nó da questão. Os Estados Unidos ainda são o principal poder económico do mundo, especialmente graças aos capitais com que dominam o mercado financeiro global, às multinacionais com as quais exploram os recursos de todos os continentes, às patentes tecnológicas que possuem, ao papel rápido e astucioso dos seus grupos de comunicação mediática, que influenciam as opiniões e os gostos das pessoas a uma escala planetária. 

No entanto, a sua supremacia económica (incluindo a do dólar), está a ser cada vez mais ameaçada pela emergência de novas figuras estatais e sociais. Em primeiro lugar, a China: erguida pelo produto nacional bruto ao segundo lugar do ranking mundial, depois dos EUA, ela é a “fábrica do mundo” onde também produzem muitos grandes grupos dos EUA. Por conseguinte, tornou-se o principal exportador mundial de mercadorias. Por sua vez, faz investimentos crescentes tanto nos EUA como na União Europeia, na África, na Ásia e na América Latina (acima de tudo em infraestruturas).

O projecto mais ambicioso, lançado pela China em 2013 e comparticipado pela Rússia, é o de uma nova Rota da Seda: uma rede terrestre (rodoviária e ferroviária) e marítima, que liga a China à Europa através da Ásia Central e Ocidental e através da Rússia. Se fosse feito de acordo com a idéia original, o projecto, que não inclui componentes militares, remodelaria a arquitetura geopolítica de toda a Eurásia, criando uma nova rede de relações económicas e políticas entre os Estados desse continente.

A globalização que os Estados Unidos têm promovido, confiantes de poder dominá-la, volta-se agora contra eles. Os impostos aduaneiros até 50% sobre máquinas de lavar e sobre painéis solares, estabelecidos pela Administração do Trump para prejudicar as exportações da China e da Coreia do Sul, não são sinal de força, mas de fraqueza. 

Ao perder terreno no plano da globalização económica, os Estados Unidos concentram-se na globalização militar: “Estamos a fazer investimentos históricos nos recursos militares americanos - anunciou Trump em Davos - porque não podemos ter prosperidade sem segurança".

Os EUA já possuem bases e outras instalações militares em mais de 70 países, especialmente, à volta da Rússia e da China. Os países onde estão  distribuídas tropas dos EUA são mais de 170.

Nesta estratégia, estão, lado a lado, com as potências europeias da NATO, as quais, apesar de terem conflitos de interesses com os EUA, alinham-se sob a liderança americana, quando se trata de defender a ordem económica e política dominada pelo Ocidente. 

Este é o cenário em que está inserida a escalada cada vez mais perigosa dos EUA/NATO, na Europa, contra a Rússia, que é apresentada, como sendo o inimigo que nos ameaça do Oriente. Debater o estado da União Europeia e do euro, independentemente de tudo isto, como se faz na actual campanha eleitoral, significa jogar na frente dos eleitores, um jogo com cartas fraudulentas.

Il manifesto’, 30 de Janeiro de 2018

Todos os vídeos 'A Arte da Guerra' de Manlio Dinucci:









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What part will your country play in World War III?

By Larry Romanoff, May 27, 2021

The true origins of the two World Wars have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology. Neither War was started (or desired) by Germany, but both at the instigation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The documentation is overwhelming and the evidence undeniable. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, na manhã do dia 24 de Fevereiro de 2022

Discurso do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, Tradução em português

Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin: Cidadãos da Rússia, Amigos,

Considero ser necessário falar hoje, de novo, sobre os trágicos acontecimentos em Donbass e sobre os aspectos mais importantes de garantir a segurança da Rússia.

Começarei com o que disse no meu discurso de 21 de Fevereiro de 2022. Falei sobre as nossas maiores responsabilidades e preocupações e sobre as ameaças fundamentais que os irresponsáveis políticos ocidentais criaram à Rússia de forma continuada, com rudeza e sem cerimónias, de ano para ano. Refiro-me à expansão da NATO para Leste, que está a aproximar cada vez mais as suas infraestruturas militares da fronteira russa.

É um facto que, durante os últimos 30 anos, temos tentado pacientemente chegar a um acordo com os principais países NATO, relativamente aos princípios de uma segurança igual e indivisível, na Europa. Em resposta às nossas propostas, enfrentámos invariavelmente, ou engano cínico e mentiras, ou tentativas de pressão e de chantagem, enquanto a aliança do Atlântico Norte continuou a expandir-se, apesar dos nossos protestos e preocupações. A sua máquina militar está em movimento e, como disse, aproxima-se da nossa fronteira.

Porque é que isto está a acontecer? De onde veio esta forma insolente de falar que atinge o máximo do seu excepcionalismo, infalibilidade e permissividade? Qual é a explicação para esta atitude de desprezo e desdém pelos nossos interesses e exigências absolutamente legítimas?

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Ver a imagem de origem


(China, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States)


Larry Romanoff,

contributing author

to Cynthia McKinney's new COVID-19 anthology

'When China Sneezes'

When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis


Read more at Moon of Shanghai

World Intellectual Property Day (or Happy Birthday WIPO) - Spruson ...

Moon of Shanghai

J. Bacque

20 questions to Putin

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Address to the Nation

Address to the Nation.

The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall.

January 15, 2020

State of the Nation

Joint news conference following a Normandy format summit

Joint news conference following the Normandy format summit.


“Copyright Zambon Editore”



De Hiroshima até hoje: Quem e como nos conduzem à catástrofe





Um auto retrato surpreendentemente sincero do Presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin



Personagens Principais em 'Na Primeira Pessoa'

Parte Um: O Filho

Parte Dois: O Estudante

Parte Três: O Estudante Universitário

Parte Quatro: O Jovem especialista

Parte Cinco: O Espia

Parte Seis: O Democráta

Parte Sete: O Burocrata

Parte Oito: O Homem de Família

Parte Nove: O Político

Apêndice: A Rússia na Viragem do Milénio

Daniele Ganser


Subtitled in EN/PT

Click upon the small wheel at the right side of the video and choose your language.


“Glory to God in the highest,

and on Earth

Peace, Good Will toward men.”

This Christmas, Give Peace